
Free online taster evening for parenting time-out

First steps towards healthy self-care

How you can take yourself seriously in everyday family life and relax as a result

Until your next taster evening there are still


"The seminar was one of my best experiences in recent years. It brought me more in touch with myself and a lot of things have been moving for me since then, simply more clearly."

Deep care for our children can arise from self-care

ParentsTime out

Between changing diapers, housework and time pressure, it is often difficult to find time for ourselves. The needs of our children often come first. We believe: You belong in first place! We can only be there for our children if we take ourselves seriously!

When was the last time you consciously used kindergarten/school time for yourself?

During our evening via Zoom you will learn

  • How to reconnect with yourself even when your to-do list is full
  • How you can get out of the "it's still possible".
  • How you can create a harmonious everyday life with children
  • Concrete tips and small exercises for everyday life with children

Listening in

In our Podcast With Meli, we talk about the importance of #Selfcare as parents, conscious time-outs, recognizing your own needs and giving them space, our inspirations for conscious parenting and why we prefer to be out in nature and in the mountains.

What do we do at the taster evening

The taster evening serves to get to know us and ElternAuszeit better. You can take part alone or as a couple. We want to create space for your questions and concerns and offer you a safe space to get a first taste of ElternAuszeit.

Our triad also applies here: Relax, reflect, be connected.

As experienced coaches and process facilitators, we provide a soothing, light framework with a regenerative alternation between relaxation and inspiration. Natalie and Dominik are also happy to share their experience with the work of Transparents, how they live parenthood, how they navigate the tensions as entrepreneurs between work, quality time with their son, time for themselves and time as a couple, and how they found each other again as lovers after a prolonged crisis.

ParentsTime out

To the parents' time-out

Natalie, Dominik and Carla have combined their experience and expertise in leadership and mindful parenting to support and nurture parents. With the vision of creating strong, clear and healthy relationships.

From the October 17-20 the next  ParentsTime out a special kind of retreat: offering exercise, relaxation and important new inspiration for conscious parenting from the heart.

The retreat is intended for parents who want to take time to consciously align themselves, who want to guide and accompany their children clearly and lovingly and who want to take themselves seriously.

All big changes start with the first step.

What you can expect from the ElternAuszeit taster evening

Yes, I would like to take part in the parents' time-out taster evening.

If you are unable to attend one of the dates, you will receive access to the recording of the evening for 1 week afterwards.

After registration you will receive a confirmation email from us with your access data. If not, please check your spam folder or junk mail folder and make sure you mark the mail as "not spam" so that you don't miss out on future information.

* The MovingMountains newsletter addresses the topics that move our team and provides information about our offers in the areas of leadership development, team development and personal development.