Moving Mountains

Deep care for our children can arise from self-care.

ParentsTime out "I'm off for a while then" - Recharge your batteries. Be connected.

Parents time out for this year

30.05. (Fri.) - 01. (Sun.) June

Bad Kohlgrub (Bavarian Alps)

We offer the ElternAuszeit at a basic price: To register, you pay the basic amount of €310, which covers the pure costs. After the time-out, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee. During the time-out, you will incur costs for accommodation and meals in the hotel.

Do you sometimes feel the same way?

How can it be that I am constantly exhausted?

I just want to relax, not "have to" do anything, not be available, just stare holes in the air.

#being #pause #time-out

It's all just too much for me. I quickly hit 180.

I don't like myself when I'm so harsh. I would much rather be relaxed and playful with challenging situations.

#Lightness #Calmness #Life

I feel disconnected. With myself, with the children.

When I am in contact with myself, I can react calmly to my children again and accompany them with relaxation.

#Relationship #Self-contact

Children, job, partnership... how do I cope?

Can I wish for more balance without having a guilty conscience?

#Reflection #Regeneration #innerPeace

"I booked the hiking coaching in an acute crisis situation. I wanted a total break, time for myself and inner clarity for my own wishes and goals. It was definitely a life-changing journey for me. Because I only got all of that within a week! I have a new strength, calm and a new connection to myself, total clarity for my next steps."

Why treat myself to a parental leave?

Between changing diapers, housework and time pressure, it is often difficult to find time for ourselves. The needs of our children often come first. We believe: You belong in first place! We can only be there for our children if we take ourselves seriously!

Our ElternAuszeit offers you the perfect opportunity to treat yourself to a well-deserved break, listen to nature, get back into your body and exchange ideas with other parents. With us, you can press the pause button, let go and recharge your batteries so that you can return to everyday family life feeling stronger.

The time-out is designed to nourish, empower, inspire and support you as a parent to reconnect with yourself and your children. We follow a holistic approach that integrates body, mind and soul and gives you the strength to take yourself and your needs seriously.

Space for you, hiking and parent coaching sessions

Besides a lot of Recreationrelax, take a deep breath, we offer you interactive small workshops & impulsesin which you can Reflect on your role as a parent, look at challenging situations with your children, learn from us how parenthood can still succeed and exchange ideas with other fathers and mothers on questions relating to conscious parenthood.

What's more, this time out for parents is Mountain hikesMoments of silence with yourself, a (voluntary) leap into the Natural bathing pond, common Singing and sharing by the fire, a little Wellness and whatever else is good for you.

Next date: May 30 to June 01, 2025 Registration deadline: 01.03.2025

Taster evening: on request

When is parental leave for me?

If you...

"The time away was incredibly instructive and helped me a lot to find my way back to myself and my inner voice. I am very grateful for this opportunity and all the knowledge, experiences, insights and encounters during the trip. I was given a lot of understanding and openness in the sessions and there was always a great atmosphere that allowed and encouraged development and growth of all kinds."

Our triad for time out for parents: Relax, reflect, be connected

1. relax:

In the beautiful surroundings at the foot of the mountains in an organic hotel, you can press the pause button from everyday life, let go, hike and recharge your batteries.

2. reflect:

In 1:1 parent coaching sessions, small group settings and through our impulses, you will discover new perspectives and strengthen your understanding of the needs of your children and yourself.

3. connect:

The wonderful thing about parenting time-out is that you come into contact with like-minded people, have space for in-depth exchanges and create a network of mental support. A support village, so to speak. Whether hiking together through the picturesque landscape or enjoying a cozy get-together in the evening - friendships and supportive circles are formed here.

We believe that parenting is a journey that we should take together. 

What you can expect:

Your companions

We - Natalie, Dominik and Carla - met through the Network for Collective Leadership, which is about new ways of living, loving, leading and working together. We share the heartfelt desire to attachment-oriented and have been part of the Transparents community and the training courses.

Natalie and Dominik have been parents to their son Jakob together since 2020. They live together in Bavaria and completed the Transparents training shortly after the birth. They have also studied Aware Parenting and species-appropriate parenting in depth. Carla is a parent coach, organizational developer at Tealbirdslives in Berlin and works in individual sessions with parents on the challenges and issues they face in their everyday lives. All three of us have many years of experience in accompanying people, creating spaces of deep connection and we share a passion for hiking tours together.

Together, we want to create a world worth living in for ourselves and the children of this world.

As experienced coaches and process facilitators, we provide a soothing, light framework with a regenerative alternation between relaxation and inspiration. Natalie and Dominik are also happy to share their experience with the work of Transparents, how they live parenthood, how they navigate the tensions as entrepreneurs between work, quality time with their son, time for themselves and time as a couple, and how they also found themselves as lovers again after a prolonged crisis. Carla brings her sensitive nature and extensive knowledge around trauma processes, leadership, self-organization, pedagogy and a culture of relationality to the table

The parent coaching is inspired by "attachment-oriented parenting" according to Transparents and the developmental trauma principles of the NARM (Neuroaffective Relational Model) approach.

We assume that if difficulties arise with our children, neither the child nor the parents are the problem.

Sometimes we don't understand our children because we misunderstand their behavior. With the help of parent coaching, you can learn to put yourself in your child's shoes and "look behind the behavior". This will teach you to interpret their actual needs and respond to them appropriately as a parent.

In our Podcast with Meli you can find out more about us and our work:

"Rarely have I felt so close to myself. I've managed to identify an origin behind many of my problems."

"A great opportunity to embark on an unconventional and adventurous journey with your own life questions and get a little closer to your goal of personal happiness."

"Things that are stuck seem to be loosening, new paths are opening up, unexpected perspectives are opening up."


Where do we spend the night?

In the beautiful Organic Hotel SEINZ at the foot of the mountains near Munich, with lots of space in nature, sauna, campfire.
Please contact the hotel directly for the overnight stay and the daily flat rate. We will be well catered for the whole day, with drinks, three meals, cakes and snacks. The offer is vegan/vegetarian.

The time-out will take place from May 30 to June 01, 2025. You can arrive at the hotel from 2 pm and check into your room, explore the seminar room and get to know the others. At 4 pm we start our first round together. Dinner starts at 6:30 pm. On Sunday we leave at 2 pm after lunch.

This time-out is aimed at all parents of all genders who have children between the ages of 2-10 and would like to finally take themselves seriously again. Initial experience and interest in parenting, which is characterized by deep connection and loving guidance of the children (culture of relatedness), is an advantage but not a must. You should have a desire to share and explore together.

We create a good mix of time to unwind, impulses, movement and being together. We hike for 2-3 hours and give small impulses for self-exploration, exercises and you have time for coaching sessions. All of these are offers - you always have the choice to be alone and in silence.
We take comprehensive breaks, sitting comfortably together in the evening with singing and dancing as desired. The alternation of intensive exchange and time for reflection and integration has proven to be particularly effective.

In direct contact with nature, we humans are more receptive to new things, more open to unusual thoughts and find it easier to connect with our own feelings.

After just a few hours in nature, the immune system is strengthened, blood pressure, cortisol and pulse rate drop, and with them the stress level. Calm can set in, opening your eyes to all that is already there in life and making room for necessary changes.

We trust in the cycle of give and take and in the fact that we are all held and cared for. Our aim is to support parents - for the future of our children. That's why we offer parent time-out for #Base price to:

To register, you pay the basic amount of 310 €which covers our costs. After the time-out, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee.

There are costs for accommodation and meals in the hotel for the days. The costs per night incl. full board amount to:

  • Single room: 184 €
  • Double room: 149 €
  • 3-/4-bed room: 139 €

Yes exactly, the ElternAuszeit is for you as a parent or together as a couple and deliberately WITHOUT children. This means your children can be with other people. We know that it's not easy for some of us to treat ourselves to something like this and that it can be a strain on the rest of the family. If you would like to take a break but find it difficult to take this step, please get in touch with us. 

Taster evening ElternAuszeit

Do you still have questions? Would you like to get to know us better? In our free online taster evening, you'll find out everything you need to know about ElternAuszeit and get some initial inspiration and tips for your relaxed everyday life.

Yes, I would like to take part in the parents' time-out taster evening.

If you are unable to attend one of the dates, you will receive access to the recording of the evening for 1 week afterwards.

After registration you will receive a confirmation email from us with your access data. If not, please check your spam folder or junk mail folder and make sure you mark the mail as "not spam" so that you don't miss out on future information.

* The MovingMountains newsletter addresses the topics that move our team and provides information about our offers in the areas of leadership development, team development and personal development. It is published 4-6 times a year.