What we stand for
Everything evolves. Whether we like it or not. Sustainable personal and collective development takes place from the inside out. Truly new things arise in consciousness, resonate in the heart and manifest themselves from there in the world. In harmony with the polarities of life, we guide you in the process of change from inside to outside, from inside to outside, from action to reflection. And back again.
We have experienced how direct contact with nature and movement helps us to find our inner balance, to be more receptive to new things and more open to unusual thoughts. After just a few hours in nature, peace returns, making room for truly innovative solutions outside the familiar.
As process facilitators, coaches and organizational developers, we accompany change. At the same time, we have been passionate mountaineers for years. With MovingMountains we connect these two experiential spaces and take you into the mountains, into the inner change that will shape outer change!
Executive Leadership Coach, formerly: auditor and partner at PwC. Prefers to work on bridges between the worlds of "the past" and "today" - for a more humane tomorrow.
Günter combines analytical and rational thinking with his vocation to be generously human and close to the heart. At home in the mountains, listening to his feelings, in deep connection with himself and nature, he invites people to visit him as a host. This is how he lives leadership with his heart and head. With passion and patience, he opens up spaces to explore with you what the world needs and what integral organizational development and Spiral Dynamics can contribute to this.
A seasoned Bavarian and yet a man of the world, a real late bloomer: 27 years as a consultant in business have shown him that our world needs more "listening". Today, he stands for lived transformation, holism and authentic leadership. Günter always has an open ear for all concerns and needs.
P.S. You can find Günter on his bike or at a musical social evening. Ask him to invite you to one of his infamous parties.
P.S. You can meet Julia in the open space: at self-organized community festivals, at dances or at co-working events. Talk to her if you feel like spinning ideas and implementing new things.
Systemic-integral process facilitator, business and nature coach, formerly a doctor of ethnology. Prefers to work on the prototype.
Julia is structured, analytical and at the same time deeply committed to people. She is not afraid of uncomfortable tensions in the team. With her talent for mediation, she succeeds in bringing difficult issues into contact and transforming them. Lightning-fast in her head and calm in her heart, she invites you to trust your intuition, draw from the depths and shape the future. You can tackle change with her enthusiasm.
Whether trekking in the Himalayas, searching for a vision in the wilderness or working on the financial process in a team - she is always ready for an inward expedition. As a trainer for intercultural and conflict-sensitive reporting, she used to invite others to change their perspective. As a lecturer for documentary film and diversity, she helped shape realities. She is there for you when the truth wants to come to light.
Systemic-integral consultant and process facilitator, formerly a geoscientist and atmospheric scientist. Prefers to ponder the "global picture".
Dominik has particularly fine antennae for messages on different levels and a great power of observation. He accompanies you and your team sensitively to the limits of your truths. He helps to transform beliefs and supports you in bringing the unknown to life. With him, you can develop practical strategies for the challenges of the future.
15 years as a coach and twelve years as a management consultant in the SME sector have left their mark. He confidently regards his interim "career" in the start-up sector as a failure. Instead, he is doing quite well as a hobby investment consultant. Sinking deep into conversations with him for hours on topics that hold the world together inside. Nothing could be easier.
P.S. Juli loves sporting challenges. Write to her if you want to go for a quick run up the mountain or jump into the lake in the evening in her adopted Bavarian home of Murnau.
Process facilitator, WanderCoach and school developer, formerly: political scientist, committed to equal opportunities in education. Prefers to work from the head to the gut.
July is pure energy. She brings you into contact with yourself, shadow parts included. She focuses on the bigger goal for you and your team: Connection, fulfillment and effectiveness as the basis for regenerative living and working. From mindful self-contact, she initiates genuine encounters and ensures that the team is energized. Her enthusiasm is infectious. With her, you're on a sporty path towards a solution.
Reaching our highest potential - individually and collectively? She has been researching this for over 15 years in a variety of settings - from schools to large corporations. She is an expert in transformation and digitalization in the non-profit sector. In her search for answers, she combines Western and Eastern wisdom. She is there when you have too much on your mind. She uses yoga, dance and energy work to help you feel your body.
Hypnosis coach, systemic consultant and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, formerly: philosopher, historian and world traveler. Prefers to work on the existential themes of life.
Marko always works with what shows up. With his empathy, presence and dedication, he creates a field in which you can take inner steps towards clarification and align your life with what is essential. With him, you can dive into unknown worlds and uncover unexpected treasures. It mediates between apparent opposites, intellect and emotion, the individual and society, business and spirituality. This connection creates new possibilities.
More than a decade of self-awareness, both alone and in groups, his practice as a yoga therapist and many years spent abroad have allowed him to mature. He thoroughly and tirelessly 'plows' his way through all kinds of fields of knowledge. Whether Western neurology or Eastern theory of consciousness, whether modern developmental psychology or archaic personality typologies: he is a source of inspiration.
P.S. You usually meet Natalie in Munich cafés, with a good vegan cappuccino or delicious and healthy food. Do you have any insider tips on where she should meet you?
New Work Architect and Agile Team Coach, formerly: economist and nutritionist. Prefers to work on high team commitment.
Natalie is a real "wonder woman". She effortlessly jumps back and forth between numbers, data, facts and emotional team dynamics. You can create healthy workflows with her. She moderates meetings, discussions and workshops in a playful yet stringent manner. She helps to build relationships where individual power struggles and collective inaction hinder the effectiveness of the organization.
Leadership - how can it be better? She has been dealing with these and similar questions for more than twelve years as a founder of various organizations. As a startup & intrapreneurship coach, she has supported large corporations with innovations. People always find good advice and creative ideas from her. Now also for parenting issues.
Learning and health coach and assistant at MovingMountains, formerly: business IT specialist. Prefers to work on optimizing life.
Franziska is a true artist of life. She navigates between different areas of responsibility with ease, be it in the world of students or as a team assistant at MovingMountains. She helps to create healthy working environments and accompanies people on their way to more self-confidence and optimism.
Her broad range of experience and her openness to new challenges make her a valuable companion. Franziska is a source of inspiration who is always ready with creative ideas and valuable advice - be it in relation to meditation, yoga or coping with modern life.
#LDI #LeadingChange #TransformationAtWork
#NewWork #CollectiveLeadership #CoCreation
#Innovation #StartupMindset #CompanyBuilding
1TP5IntegralOrganizationalDevelopment #TransformationProcesses
#Co-Creation #Participation #Transformation support