Moving Mountains

On the way to the Dream Team

Cultural change on the move

What is challenging you as a team right now?

"It's going well - and we want it to stay that way!"

How do we ensure a good balance in the long term?

#Prevention #Flow #RegenerativeTeam culture

"We are a very diverse team and work hybrid. The connection is often lost and performance suffers."

We would like to take some real time out to strengthen team spirit and cohesion.

#Motivation #Trust #Teamspirit

"We experience destructive team dynamics and are heading towards burnout."

How can we get back to relaxed, productive work?

#mentalHealth #Appreciation #Borders

"The mood is in the basement and old conflicts keep coming up."

We need courage for openness, clarification and a good feedback culture!

#Communication #Clear-the-air
#Shadow integration

"Last week we spent 48 hours for our annual retreat to reinvent ourselves - and this time we went to the Bavarian Alps. We were supported by "hiking coaches" Natalie and Dominik on a hybrid working format that has potential for more: Highly exciting to see how quality and output of bilateral discussions improves once you cautiously take your time to let the other person elaborate on a given topic, and how phases of silence (and reflecting) are not odd, but natural. I can highly recommend this format to other teams."

Trust is the key

Research shows that teams and organizations achieve significantly better results when people feel psychologically safe at work.  This means that they rely on a culture that makes it possible to address uncertainties or mistakes openly. This allows disruptions to be resolved more quickly and promotes initiative and learning within the team. In other words, psychological safety is a question of organizational and team culture. 

Employee retention
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People with a high level of emotional attachment are more motivated and significantly less likely to change jobs. Two thirds of them want to be with the same employer in 3 years' time. This saves resources on many levels! 

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Teams that build on emotionally secure relationships are more productive and innovative. They achieve significantly better results and are closer to their customers. The potential cost of a lack of emotional connection to the German economy due to lost productivity totals €167.2 billion. Per year! 

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People with a high level of emotional attachment are healthier. This means that they have 81% fewer sick days and 64% fewer accidents at work than people who have "already resigned internally".

On the way to the Dream Team

For productive collaboration and motivation, attention needs to be paid to the joint development of teams and managers. Especially in our hybrid working world, we need connection.

Good success depends on listening, genuine attention and sufficient space to create the right levers for change. We support you with holistic team development so that your work gets and stays in flow and you can work efficiently and successfully in the long term with confidence.

You can find out what your team time in nature can look like in the flyer "On the way to the dream team".

All information on team development at a glance!

Download our team development brochure!

Team development is something for you to...

"Thinking leadership and self-organization differently by going out and connecting with nature. Absolutely stunning coaching experience which I truly recommend."

What you can expect

Different processes for team development call for different spaces

Problem solving and change processes require an interplay of creative opening and focused pausing as well as subsequent anchoring.

Exercise in nature is particularly suitable for this: In direct contact with nature, people are more receptive to new things, more open to unusual thoughts and find it easier to connect with others. Blood pressure, cortisol and pulse rate drop and with them the stress level. Peace returns, making room for real encounters and necessary changes.

We therefore use different experiential spaces with their very own qualities:

Align virtually

  • Set focus: Clear objectives and direction for the upcoming process
  • Analysis: Assessment of the current situation and identification of challenges
  • Develop flexibilityOpenness to changes and adjustments during the process
  • Exploration: Discovering new perspectives and potential
  • Connecting: Building relationships and connections within the team
  • Unleash energy & creativity: Using the natural environment for inspiration and innovative ideas
  • Reflection: Taking stock of experience and developing findings
  • Pause for thought: Time for personal insights and team feedback
  • Analysis & Overview: Summary of the results and derivation of action steps

"Out in nature, our team was much more relaxed and we had a real need to exchange ideas, which I had never experienced before. The coaches created an atmosphere in which we could really get to know each other. Since our team hiking coaching, we have really grown together and communicate on a much more personal level. What particularly impressed me: In a clearing in the moss, in the vastness of nature, problems become smaller and more mobile and can flow away."

Teams we have worked with

The next step towards the Dream Team

Are you ready for a team culture in flow, to really engage with each other, to look courageously and invite real change and then stick with it? Then come out with us and get moving!

Only the next step is important. Your next step is to get to know us.