We all decide in which direction. In every moment.
We are so used to stress, pressure, strain and confinement that we can hardly imagine what our world could look like instead.
The complex challenges of our time suggest that things are getting worse.
But we can decide.
We can now follow the liveliness, the connectedness, the trust.
In our lives, in our team, in our organization.
You can find more on this under Ken Wilber "four quadrants"
"The best training I ever participated in my entire life. It`s way more than just a training. If you are open and allow people to get to know you it can change your entire life"
Patrick Notzon
As a team at MovingMountains, we practice together following the path of longing and actively shaping a culture that is oriented towards the living - towards what serves us and others and the greater whole.
Again and again, we choose trust, meet each other openly, work through conflicts, and experiment within our own team — so we can guide others on this journey.
Good collaboration, just like a fulfilled life, requires leadership - the self-leadership of each and every one of us.
"Awesome, even better than I ever hoped for: life-changing and -enriching, mostly with ease, sometimes demanding, but always harmonious and supportive!"
"It's like a grab bag (Wundertüte) you don't know what you get out of it but it's a life changing experience which brings a lot of power, peace and purpose in life."
Thekla Werner
"An intensive time to climb peaks and discover valleys, get to know and overcome limits - breathtaking and giving air at the same time..."
Marian K. founder and entrepreneur
Oriented towards personal development, we accompany you with Leadership Development Intensiveespecially developed Team retreats for you or in the WanderCoaching.
#Positioning #DeepDive #Self-guidance #NextLevel
11 (Wed.) 12:00 - 14 (Sat.) 17:00
In southern Germany
We want to enable a variety of people to participate in the LDI. Therefore, we offer three price categories in which you can assign yourself. 3.5 days seminar incl. workshop material, food & snacks during the seminar:
Additional costs of approx. 700 EUR are incurred for travel, accommodation and drinks.
#Trust #Communication #Conflict resolution #Teambuilding
In the WanderCoaching is about your personal path, about all the questions that are now occupying you in depth.
On the way from hut to hut, you come into clarity with every step.
#time-out #Calling #realignment #sense
10. (Wed.) 10:00 – 13. (Sat.) 15:00
Kaiser Mountains, Tyrol
We offer WanderCoaching at a basic price: To register, you pay the basic amount of €400, which covers the pure costs. After our hiking week, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee. On the way, you will incur costs for accommodation in the huts and your meals.
3. (Tue.) 10:00 – 8. (Sun.) 15:00
Dolomites (Brixen)
We offer the WanderCoaching at a basic price: To register, you pay the basic amount of €600, which covers the pure costs. After our hiking week, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee. On the way, you will incur costs for accommodation in the huts and your meals.
26. (Thu.) 10:00 – 29. (Sun.) 15:00
Bavarian Alps
We offer WanderCoaching at a basic price: To register, you pay the basic amount of €400, which covers the pure costs. After our hiking week, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee. On the way, you will incur costs for accommodation in the huts and your meals.
October 17 (Thurs.) - 20 (Sun.)
Bad Kohlgrub (Bavarian Alps)
We offer the ElternAuszeit at a basic price: To register, you pay the basic amount of €400, which covers the pure costs. After the time-out, you decide for yourself how much you would like to give us as a fee. During the time-out, you will incur costs for accommodation and meals in the hotel.
#Positioning #DeepDive #Self-guidance #NextLevel
#Trust #Communication #Conflict resolution #Teambuilding
In the WanderCoaching is about your personal path, about all the questions that are now occupying you in depth.
On the way from hut to hut, you come into clarity with every step.
#time-out #Calling #realignment #sense